Home Inspection School of New Jersey Now enrolling for the Spring Semester
Home Inspection School of New Jersey Now enrolling for the Spring Semester
Contact the school at 856-882-9611. Our team will review the NJ requirements and answer any questions regarding the class schedule, tuition and payment options.
Our team will email a copy of the Enrollment Form and School Catalog for your review. Once completed, the form should be directed back to The Home Inspection School of New Jersey.
An email will be provided confirming the semester dates and times, location and directions to the Mt. Laurel school and tuition selections.
Students are always welcome to visit the school, meet with our team, speak with the instructor and tour the facility. Please contact us at 856-882-9611 for assistance. We look forward to meeting with you.
Copyright © 2020 The Home Inspection School of New Jersey - All Rights Reserved.
1820 Chapel Ave, Suite 300 NJ 08002 / 856-882-9611 / Info@THIS-NJ.com / Ccoyle@THIS-NJ.com