Home Inspection School of New Jersey Now enrolling for the Spring Semester
Home Inspection School of New Jersey Now enrolling for the Spring Semester
Receive mentoring from our instructor. Owner of JMC Quality Home Inspections LLC. As the owner and lead instructor of The Home Inspection School of NJ, Joe continues to actively inspect on a daily basis. Joe has completed over 4, 000 inspections since becoming an inspector in 2011. Joe is an active board Member with NJ NACHI as well as a current member of INTERNachi. While mentoring with Joe, students can also observe Radon testing, Termite Inspections and Mold Air Sampling.
NJ License #: 24GI00114500
Dan is not only a great teacher, but also an expert in the report writing software. Owner of OTA Inspections, Dan is based in the Mt. Laurel area. He has been an inspector for over five years and completed thousands of inspections. In addition to home inspecting, students can observe Radon testing, Termite inspections and Sewer Scope inspections. Dan is a current member of NJ NACHI and InterNachi. Home Inspection # 24GI00157200
Aaron Schuerer, Owner of Garden State Home Inspections, is an exciting new addition to our mentoring team. Based out of Willingboro, NJ, Aaron is a great inspector for new students. He is not only a member of NJ NACHI, but also InterNACHI-Certified Professional Inspector. Aaron has completed over 4,000 inspections and has been an inspector for over five years.
Inspector: #24GI00144100
Our Ocean City, NJ mentor Ed Wisham is the owner of Cape Atlantic Home Inspections. Ed is a member of NJ Nachi as well as a Certified Professional Inspector through InterNachi. Over the many years as an inspector, Ed estimates over 10,000 inspections and holds over 20 certifications. Ed continues to go strong with inspections in the ocean county area. License #24GI1448
In order to obtain a New Jersey Home Inspector license, students are required to complete forty (40) hours of mentoring as a part of their education. The Home Inspection School of New Jersey provides mentoring to students meeting the following criteria:
Mentoring through the Home Inspections School of New Jersey is ONLY available to active students of the school. Students have unlimited access to the school mentoring calendar. Students may sign up at their convenience. Mentoring is reserved for one (1) student per inspection.
The New Jersey Standards of Practice requires that NJ Home Inspectors complete 40 hours of mentoring.
Chapter 40 Subchapter 15: Home Inspection Advisory Committee
Chapter-40-Subchapter-15-Home-Inspection-Advisory-Committee.pdf (njconsumeraffairs.gov)
Copyright © 2020 The Home Inspection School of New Jersey - All Rights Reserved.
1820 Chapel Ave, Suite 300 NJ 08002 / 856-882-9611 / Info@THIS-NJ.com / Ccoyle@THIS-NJ.com